FitnessHis side

Why pull ups are the best exercise

Pull-ups exercise is used almost in every type of workout exists today, all thanks to its physical benefits. However, for many of us fitness enthusiasts and experts alike, pull-ups are considered as a massive challenge to overcome before defined as success. So if it is that hard why pull-ups are the best exercise for all? Well, the following reasons might shed some light upon this.

Pull-ups are the best exercise as it is accessible to everyone, at any given time and in almost every location available hence very easy to perform in terms of conditions. It is also a very effective exercise for a wide range of muscles such as the back, biceps, arm and even neck so one get achieves a lot from integrating pull ups in their workout. Pull-ups can also be modified for every level so that a wide range of people can do the workout and moreover we can do it differently every day in accordance with our physical state on a specific day.

In addition, while performing pull ups one must hold the body in a “hollow” position –  meaning squeezing the abdominal muscles and the quadriceps muscles together, forming a round body form, what makes pull-ups feel like a full body workout.

Let’s explore the 3 reasons why pull-ups are the best exercise for general fitness and should be a part of each health-fitness program.

Pull-ups are for everyone, modify as you see fit

Pull-ups are the best exercise for everyone

Many people tend to overlook pullups or give up on them just cuz they seem hard but hold and behold, pullups when adjusted to one’s fitness level ability can be improved over time. Pull-ups is an exercise that can be modified and accustomed to a person’s ability by building a difficulty scale of effort so that the learning and practicing will not be traumatic nor seem impossible. On the contrary, it is very much possible.

For instance, first variation for beginners can be that one can jump up getting the chin up above the bar, then go down as slowly as possible. This will activate the required muscles for pull-ups so that the body will acquire a sense of  “feeling” and understand what muscles should be recruited for this exercise in general and start adjusting them.

Second variation, practice on a higher bar than the previous variation and jump up, however, this time you will have to pull half of the way up by yourself. Then get down slowly just like in the previous drill. Here the muscles get a stronger sense of the pull-up movement while getting stronger.

Third variation, get yourself a round rubber band (such as this assisted pull-up band on amazon) or get a friend to help with this variation, preferably the rubber band as will allow a more accurate supporting movement. Get the band over the pull-up bar, then insert one end through the other side of the band and now tight it until it sits nicely on the bar. Now put one foot inside the band and start pulling yourself up, this will support the weight of gravity and assist with performing a much larger number of pullups. If you choose to be using a friend’s help please ask them to be cautious and to push you with both hands upwards to help complete a pullup.

Finally, just go for it, try and pull up as much as possible whenever you can. With time you will find pullups to be one of your favorite exercises as you get better and fitter.

Pull-ups are a full body workout, not just arms workout

Many would argue that strong hands are the only thing needed for good pull-ups, however, in order to perform a good pull up one must use not only his or her arms but many muscles simultaneously. This is why pull ups should be considered a full body workout. During our attempt to overcome gravity our back, abdominal, and even some leg muscles work so we can ascent towards the bar and put our chin above it. Some of us will might find it challenging for the palms where in that case use of gloves might help. The palms will get firmer in time.

Pull ups are the threshold to a larger world of pullup bar related exercises, where a variety of exercises has evolved directly from pullups and performed on a pullup bar with the basic pull up in mind.

Yet, pull-ups as a basic movement will activate several muscle groups at once, with a direct benefit to general strength and fitness. Pull ups, apart from the actual pull, requires a firm body position with well-balanced muscles reaction. For example, our abdominal muscles must help hold and connect the upper and lower body for better use of energy during pull-ups.

Let’s take a pause to explain the term well balanced reaction. So in order to stay healthy and injury free one must keep the general guidelines of a movement. Meaning, after pulling chin up above the bar one must not throw its weight down, but, use a controlled descent.

This is just one of many examples for healthy guidelines injury-free workout. Thus, we do suggest that you always try and exercise in a controlled and healthy manner and will try to provide you as many articles to show you how to the best of our knowledge.

In order to do pull-ups right, a basic body hold ability is required. Getting a grip on the proper hold will take time, there are many exercises for improving body posture for pull-ups and hopefully will be revealed in future articles.

Taking a grip over our body, is a huge benefit forgeneral fitness and goes hand in hand with practicing more pullups. What eventually will result in a stronger, healthier body, and not just stronger arms as people tend to imagine.

Pull ups are accessible at any given time and in almost every location

Pull-ups are the best exercise

One more reason pull ups are so great is that you don’t need much for practicing but a parallel bar or even a strong high ledge to hang from, then all that is left to do is the pull up itself.

Its simplicity is what makes pull ups such a great exercise pick, especially for beginners that must feel a sense of convenience to workout more.

Think about all the places you visit, now think if there is any playground, low tree branch, or anywhere to do 2 minutes pull up workout-15 in number will be an excellent place to start from.

I used to do it for a year and it improved my pull ups tremendously. Today I can perform 100 in only 5 minutes. It’s so accessible that you shouldn’t pass on the opportunity. Train as you go can sometimes be the best solution.

This is why many people take on a challenge to do a number of pullups on a daily basis. It can be 10 or a 100 but make sure it is reasonable and within the limits of your abilities with zero compromises on the right supportive technique (remember – its the quality not the quantity). Try for yourself and find out how it affects your wellbeing both mentally and physically.

For all of the above, surely you will find pull up bars in many houses and apartments, it doesn’t take space and is so beneficial that it’s just a no brainer.on the contrary, a few of those can be a brainer release of great natural chemicals for the effort and exercise just performed on your way to the kitchen. If you are thinking about upgrading your pull-ups you must consider adding one of these bars at your home. Here are 3 great options I found on Amazon that might fit your needs:

  1. Fits perfectly at apartments at low cost with huge value, this could be the best option for beginners – Iron Age Pull Up Bar Doorway US Invention Patent with Smart Hook Technology
  2. If you live in a house and got more space you might consider using this – Titan Fitness Wall Mounted Pull Up Chin Up Bar Training Fitness Heavy Duty
  3. For those of you who consider starting a home gym I recommend checking this – CAP Barbell Power Rack Exercise Stand, Multiple Colors. However, for it to be complete you must purchase other complementaries.

Exercising outdoors has many benefits amongst healthy sun exposure (which support the manufacture of vitamin D). So when the weather is fairly awesome go on and be awesome yourself, show off with your new skills at parks and training facilities, they are full with pull up bars, rings, and other great facilities to perform pull-ups or get familiar with new exercises. All that left for you to do is to go out there and do it.

With health in heart and wellbeing in mind we can become the best version of ourselves, so love your body and live as such, cause we do only live once, but if done well-once is enough

Until next time, His Side

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