Why Be A Digital Nomad – The Untold Truth
Digital nomading has become the coolest thing lately, yet for many, the reasons as to why would someone be a digital nomad are a bit unclear. Seeing only part of this life, mainly on social networks shows only the glamorous moments of the nomadic lifestyle and keeps the reality away, including each nomad’s own reasons for doing so. One thing is clear, digital nomads must be able to provide for themselves while traveling and exploring while fulfilling their inner calling to get out there.
So why be a digital nomad? Well, travel and see new places, meet great people, grab a hold of your time, make decisions that put you in the center, get to know yourself, concur fear, and keep your life exciting. These are all great reasons that will probably answer our question, yet I’m sure that there are many digital nomads with an array of different less obvious reasons.
Being a digital nomad is first and foremost seen as a way out of the rat race that the western world has imposed upon us. However, don’t get mistaken to think that digital nomads are baggers that live off others’ charity or some fully financed “kid” with an overloaded bank account. Many of them if not most are actually talented humans, highly productive personas that can support themselves, and their families. Their ability to earn a living while away and on a constant move enables this fabulous newish modern way of living.
For those of us that encounter this concept for the first time let’s be clear about what is a digital nomad then?
This is what can be found online as an explanation for this phenomenon:
“Digital nomads are people who use telecommunications technologies to earn a living and conduct their life in a nomadic manner. Such workers often work remotely from foreign countries, coffee shops, public libraries, co-working spaces, or recreational vehicles”
Sounds just about right. With that being said I think that the manifestation of it might mean less chill and more work, not in a bad way but in a more “down to earth” way.
And this brings us to the point of our discussion – Why be a digital nomad? If this way of life does not mean being actually free, then what’s the point?
Digital Nomads Gain Freedom

Well, first of all, Having the ability to be mobile without the roots of a house and lots (I mean lots) of stuff is for many a dream come true and can be defined as freedom. Yet as the world is still dependent on the monetary system everyone without exceptions must play the game, and participate in the money-making race. THAT limits for a bit the degree of freedom but does not solely cancel it.
Be that as it may and with all the perks nomadic living can also be shocking when not prepared well. When going on a nomadic adventure one needs to look at the big picture and understand where is headed and what are the best tools to have while at it. In this online fast pace ecosystem, the tools can be acquired through online courses, and the use of online marketplaces can supply the jobs.
Being a Digital Nomad Is Being A Minimalist

The second most desirable idea about the digital nomad lifestyle apart from being huge fun is the fact that one will have less physical stuff to worry about. Basically going minimalist as much as you like, some would fit their life into a small 40-liter backpack while others will have a whole campervan to move around and hold their belongings.
The understanding that being a nomad is a fundamental change in your lifestyle must be completed prior to the beginning of this adventure. Starting with the small things like what you are going to wear, how many bathroom amenities you’ll bring with you, and especially where you’re gonna lay your head at night. Lastly, as a digital nomad, having a good connection to the internet is a must, so owning a remote WIFI device is essential.
In a nutshell – step out of your comfort zone in order to step into a different kind of… comfort zone. It can be challenging but also very rewarding as dreams come true to those who dare to dream and operate on them.
Master Time As A Digital Nomad

Continuing to our third why, being the master of your time, Albert Einstein said that “Time is an illusion that moves relative to an observer”, in our life each of us is the only observer that matters, and as such our time is the most important asset we hold.
Being able to determine when we work, for how long, and sometimes even for who, makes a huge difference in the way we manage our days, hours, minutes, and even seconds. Digital nomads are masters of their time and space, they are able to make their own schedule each day and are not (in most cases) bound to the “working 9:00 to 17:00” schedule.
Travel Like Never Before

Fourth why, perhaps the soul of this nomadic tribe is the ability to travel as an integral part of life. So many of us spend our life living in one place, work close by, and take one or two vacations each year to travel. However, we all would love to have the opportunity to travel more while still maintaining a reasonable living comfort. Digital nomads have found the way to do just that, work and travel, see more places in a year than most of us will in 10.
So if travel is one of your aspirations in life consider becoming a digital nomad.
Improve Self Awareness

The fifth why, many digital nomads are out moving around and changing their scenery every couple of days or weeks is to be more self-aware. Now I know, this might come off as wholistic mambo jambo to some, but the truth of the matter is many of us are so disconnected and could use some of this alleged “mambo jambo”… aka some time to ourselves to reflect at the whole pic for a moment or two. Wholistic means see all in all – I think am starting to like mambo jambo ;).
Improving one’s wellbeing is starting with the understanding of oneself soul, body, and mind, the time spent outside the norms of society can improve the connection between all those factors and nature. A good connection can improve life’s quality and wellbeing.
Digital Nomads Meet New People

The next why on our list is the ability to meet other people, while traveling and managing your time you will be able to connect with other people and learn some new perspectives. Humans are social beings, and while digital nomads will frequently find themselves alone, the time spent on the road will summon multiple new encounters.
As humans, we have a great ability to communicate with others. While traveling the culture is constantly changing and different people are emerging from it. Meeting other like-minded people, or not, can expand our own horizons and help us explore new ways of living, thinking, and interacting with the world.
The ability to meet new people is probably one of the best benefits of being a digital nomad. It brings new opportunities for extra revenue that could have not occurred otherwise by simply understanding their needs and desires.
Apart from that, learning about other cultures is an eye-opening experience that contributes in positively modeling together planet earth.
Controlling Fear

Fear is the next why. The thing that ignites us into action or gets us into a freeze, all comes down to how we handle it. Being a digital nomad develops a certain fear cooperation mechanism, as many of the things us digital nomads choose to do can be frightening.
Having a stronger mind that can monitor fear and not freeze in front of it is also a huge benefit. This ability will develop in time for many nomads and will stay with us for life, it’s a win-win situation.
Living In Constant Change

After conquering fear, earning the ability to coop with constant change is a virtue of its own. The world is moving faster than ever, the business world is changing and those who choose not to adapt and acquire new abilities will encounter massive challenges. Digital nomads are masters in this field, as many of them are independent workers they are always on the hunt for the new gig.
Jobs will come and go but learning new tricks can definitely help with getting a new position. Change is a friend, not a foe, and learning it can help one grow. Many of us are stuck in place mainly for being too comfortable but not necessarily too happy, whereas many digital nomads are not part of this “comfortable place” and as a result, keep pushing into different directions to maintain their lifestyle.
Exciting Lifestyle

Lastly, excitement!!!! Life can be boring sometimes, after all this is why so many of us go on a trip to exotic locations, jump from planes and bridges, or surf in the middle of the winter storm. Being a digital nomad keeps things fresh, new places with new faces, new beaches with great waves, different flavors, colors, and smells. Living stays interesting.
Traveling and working from different places is exciting in nature. All those things that keep changing fill you with hormones of joy. Digital nomads get it all, they keep moving and enjoy all the good ( and at times the less good) this world has to offer.
With all those beautiful reasons for why be a digital nomad, one must bear in mind that adjustments will have to be made, the learning curve is indeed steep (to live days offline, get your stuff together (literally) “purge” them all at once, and do loads of things that may seem uncomfortable) but the self-reward can be beyond describable. Flexibility is the name of the game and as much as this might seem tough love, it is still love, and boy do we need love…
So come on and dare to it.
Spoken the truth from a true nomad at ♥️. Thanks for your perspective!