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Functional Training Equipment List – Buyers Guide For Home And GYM

We exercise so that our body develop and improve our lives. To make this concept reality we often ought to make use of various training equipment. In functional training methods such as Crossfit, HIIT or other GYM programs there is a vast use in training equipment, which makes those training sessions functional in their nature. However, sometimes more is less and there is just too much equipment offered to us on the existing market segment and frankly, not all of it is a “must have” for getting in shape and improving our overall health and fitness.

So how does a functional training equipment list should look like? Well to make it clear, simple and readers friendly we made a list of the best essential functional training equipment by sticking to the two roles of training gear:
1. we only use what gets us fitter
2. is it KIS (keeping it simple).
Most of the items on our list will make sense to the majority however, we did include a small portion of items that were picked for more advanced users. So bear in mind for the marks that differ between those equipment groups and decide what best suits your training program, style, and needs.

This is our pick for the functional training equipment list:

1. Skipping rope more functional than you think:

We all have a vague memory of us trying to skip over a rope in PT class, many of us never went back to it simply because we did not succeed much, it was hard! Moreover, in our adult life, there aren’t many opportunities for us to find the platform to just jump like we used to. 

So skipping rope isn’t just a time spending tool for kids in the afternoon, it is, in fact, an essential tool for a higher fitness ability. Training with one will greatly improve your cardio ability as a higher number of jumps done in a row will make your heart pump and your lungs exchange air rapidly. In addition, multiple muscles involved in jumping and controlling the rope’s momentum will develop, which will also contribute to better coordination and brain use.

To sum it up skipping rope – a simple tool for multiple purposes of use and very cheap to buy relatively,  but once used properly improves our fitness and cardio greatly.

Check out this rope on Amazon

2. Rubber bands for every type of workout:

Rubber bands are used for various functions in functional training, it serves as a tool in joints flexibility improvement, warmup routine, and even pull-ups progression. Overall this is a very powerful tool to add to your box, with a small price tag.

If you want to learn more about how to use rubber bands for pullup progression read my post here.

Check out these options on Amazon:

3. Yoga mattress for higher floor training comfortability and safety

This is by far the simplest piece of gear for home use and indeed a kind of a “must have”, as many exercises in functional training done on the floor. Yoga mattress is useful for stretching (in general and in Yoga practice in specific) as well and fits training needs such as sit-ups, pushups, and even protecting the knees while lunging, bending, etc.

In addition, those mattresses can be used outdoors as you see fit for any healthy activity you might feel like doing. And don’t be afraid to get dirty as those mattresses can be washed up easily with water and a bit of soap.

Yoga mats give you the freedom to move freely on the floor without compromising on comfort or safety of injury free training (at the very least when it comes to hitting the floor :)), it is light-weight and folds into a thin roll shape that can be used for gentle back massage, outdoor head support and stored everywhere comfortably.

Those are two great options for you on Amazon:

4. Pullup bar at home

Pull-ups are one of the best exercises there is (read about it in my post), and having a pull-up bar at home is a wonderful thing to start with. Pull-ups help develop a strong form and control over the body with emphasis on upper-body muscles. In addition, there are many other useful exercises to be learned revolving the pull-up bar such as – toes to bar, knees to elbows, L hang, and the list goes on and on. 

It is also a fantastic tool to just pass by and hang for 10 seconds for a good solid stretch of upper body bones and muscles. Your back will thank you for it as creating mild space between each vertebra is a healthy bliss. 

There is a bar for each environment or space limitations, for example, if you got space in the garage you can use a ceiling or wall mount pull up bar while using a door hooked bar at your college dorm room. If you feel like doing pull-ups there is a simple and elegant solution for each situation.

Check those on Amazon to get a better sense of the available options:

5. Dumbbells – small and compact “mobile” gym

At any training program, there will come a time where extra stimulation is required, for this reason, it is common to add some weight to the workout. Adding weight (doesn’t have to super heavy) can make a workout become different at its core, as the weight slows work pace but at the same time encourages muscle growth and makes the workout much more exciting.

Dumbbells are a great option for home use and outdoors as they are just the right size for keeping under the bed or in your car. Dumbbells can be used for strength workouts – with slow and controlled movements and a small number of repetitions, or cardio workouts(WOD in Crossfit) – endorsing moderate weight dumbbells with a high number of repetitions. Either way, they will get the best out of you.

See options on Amazon:

6. Box – for step ups or jumps

A box, as simple as it sounds is a box, usually, will have 3 different heights and is considered to be a very useful tool in functional training. It works on your cardio, muscles short bursts, stability, balance, concentration, accuracy in movement and of course muscle strength. 

It can be made from steel or wood but the truth is that it doesn’t really matter, just make sure it has the hight you feel safe and comfortable to start from (and no, don’t be a hero working safe is working smart for the long run and when working for the long run we achieve sustainable goals and THAT’s a win-win situation) and another higher level for you to improve later on.

If DIY is your thing you can build it in your garage in no time, however, if free time isn’t in abundance just order a box and enjoy your training. And remember safety first.

If you wish to order a box here are 2 options on Amazon:

7. TRX set – anywhere at any time:

TRX – Total Body Resistance Exercise

This tool is a set of suspension training tool that can be used at home, GYM, and even when traveling. TRX is super easy for use easy and comfy to pack as goes in your backpack and all that needs to be done is to find a good place to hang one end of the TRX set from, and from there it is training ready. Keeps it simple and easy to use.

There are many other tools that work similarly, but none of them combines all of the TRX functionality together. In addition, there is tons of information regarding TRX workouts, progressions, and safety measurements on the web.

It is a very useful tool for functional training as it provides a wide range of exercises, from legs to core workouts, and keeping an open mind with TRX will conclude with interesting workouts.

Check this product on Amazon:

8. Medicine Ball for all uses

In functional training, some tools have multiple great uses, and the medicine ball is indeed one of those great tools. It can be used as an extra weight held in “un-familiar positions” during lunges or squats, or be used as a “fling” weight as part of the wall-ball exercise. Overall it is a very functional tool and for that reason recommended on our list.

Make sure to get balls that seems sturdy and highly durable as it will fall and get dragged on the floor occasionally. Therefore, for it to survive longer those balls need to be made from resilient materials. We made sure to try all the medicine balls we recommend here. 

Check this medicine ball on Amazon:

9. Kettlebells to spice up training

Adding some moderate weight in functional training is good, it helps to improve fitness level faster. Moreover, using kettlebells in workouts will diversify the range of exercises as many can be done using this tool.

Kettlebells come in many different weights and shapes. Upon purchase bare in mind the weight as an essential parameter to consider but less for shape as isn’t that important. Our recommendation, however, will be to go with the classic shape and 2 to 3 weight options, for better future availability. Please do take under consideration that different exercises require different weights.

So from our perspective, if you wish to have a wider range of exercises available to you buy a couple of kettlebells or start from one and aiming for a second in the future.

P.S.  We do highly recommend you learn how to use kettlebells properly prior to moving to high weight kettlebells. You can find tons of useful and informative guides on the internet youtube included.

Check those products on Amazon:

10. Hand grips protect your hands

Pullup bar is used widely in functional training with great results. However, many people get intimidated by it due to the cause of palm blisters. Not to worry at all as this product is the exact solution, using hand grips or other cover products such as gloves can prevent those blisters from even occurring. Prevention at its best. 

This “injury” might happen more often for beginners as their palm skin is more delicate and gets firmer with each training session. But without proper skin grooming and protection, it can get ugly. Those blisters can open during workouts and bleed all over one’s hands, let alone get infected if not washed and handled properly. It just makes you stop working out and that’s suck! It might even prevent you from doing workouts for a couple of days after the injury.

For those reasons hand grips are an essential tool for functional training, and as such should be picked with quality in mind. The following product was picked after using most of the competitors for this product, we highly recommend it for its usability and durability.

Check these hand grips on Amazon:

11. Wrist support band wraps

Our fitness is only as strong as our weakest spot, and for some exercises having external support might push our fitness to another level. One of the most critical joints in functional training is the wrist. Making sure it can hold our body weight when doing pushups and burpees, or when using dumbells is critical for better performance and stable workout program.

Keeping joints and ligaments healthy is a core foundation for smart long term workout plan. By doing so one can get stronger for the long run. Point is it is not just about how intense we workout, but for how long we can keep this workout routine. Steady routine is as important as challenging our physic from time to time to build up our muscles, bone structure, etc. so how we keep up with training days is as important as strength. Once we understand they work together only then one can achieve good solid here-to-stay fitness. 

Wrist wraps support the joints by limiting its movement range to a healthy and strong range, however, as they do their job the joint lose their flexibility, so keep that in mind. After using the wristbands it is recommended to massage the joints just a little bit, this helps with renewing full blood flow and relieving pain from the workout. Good few stretching or Yoga poses can be taken after consideration too as work on strengthening and flexing the joints and ligaments. 

Check these wristbands on Amazon

12. Rowing machine high level of cardio at home

Rowing machines were once used only by professional rowers, however, they hold a great value for beginner athletes and fitness enthusiasts too. It can be used in and outdoors as it is very lightweight, and if kept clean after workouts can last for ages.

The main benefit is that a rowing machine is a fantastic tool for cardio with a very low impact on the body. Especially when compared with running which does help with cardio fitness improvement but has a high impact on the skeletal structure.

One more thing to take into consideration is that rowing machines can be used at any weather no matter where you live. As long as the rowing machine has its designated place for training and storage it is the perfect tool for a healthier and diversified training routine.

Check this concept2 rowing machine on Amazon:

13. Assault Airbike

Full body workout is what functional training is all about, and as such the equipment recommended for use should give us just that. You might remember the old time spinning bike that was widely used everywhere, but when it comes to functional training they don’t really supply the merchandise. This is why the assault air bike was created, with functionality in mind and true fitness in heart this type of equipment is all you can ask for functional training.

Assault Airbike gives an opportunity to cycle both using leg muscles and hands together for a higher level of full body engagement. It can be used in any environment, as long as there is a leveled ground. In addition, there are no weather limitations as it can be used indoors and outdoors as you see fit.

It is a great tool for your fitness and we highly recommend getting one if building your own training environment.

Check for prices on Amazon

14. True form runner

Running has always been a tool in the fitness toolbox and the functional training methods, long or short it always had a place. However, many people started having pain directly related to outdoor running as the surface they used was just too stiff . This led many runners to go indoors where they could closely monitor their environment. However, this change didn’t really eliminate injuries only replaced them with other treadmill-related injuries. 

The true form running treadmill is different, as it doesn’t have an engine or shall I say – you are its engine. The true form runner is based on the theory that running should be propelled by pushing with our legs and not by chasing the moving treadmill. 

It is a big change for this industry, but it combines the unmonitored outdoor running and highly monitored indoor running into one unique machine that gives the best of both worlds.

Important to emphasize that you can use it indoors and outdoors as long as the weather allows it, and still enjoy a high level of running with a well-balanced surface to land on and avoid unnecessary injuries.

Check this product on Amazon

15. Functional training shoes

Well, in few words, there is a difference between regular sport or running shoes to functional training shoes. For that reason, we created an informative guide to help you choose the right shoe. If I need to put it in few words – do not compromise over your physical health and strength as this is the foundation of your fitness and mental state of mind so go ahead and take a quick look in below link to try and understand the ideal shoe for your needs. 

Read about it in our post – Best shoes for functional training.

This was our list of essential equipment for functional training for home and gym. Feel free to leave your comments and tell us what do you think is missing from our list.

See you on our next post

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