Food that keep us healthy – best 15 foods you can start eating today
Food is known to be a major building block for our body’s, it provides all the ingredients for right body development and sustainability. For that reason, and general education, it is important to get familiar with the best foods offered out there that keep us healthy, and can be consumed daily for improved wellbeing.
In the following post, you will find the best food for your good health which can be acquired everywhere without any special effort nor expense that is beyond one’s grasp. It is not too costly to eat helathy.
For those of you who wish to get right down to business, we sum it up in an instant list of recommended products. However, if expanding your dietary knowledge is important to you in terms of the long run living style, keep reading further down and for enrichment of knowledge and understanding
Food type | Health benefits | Food type | Health benefits | Food type | Health benefits |
Oat meal | stomach and digestive system | Fish | proteins with omega 3 and 6 for a slower aging process | Flax seeds | healthier digestion system |
kale | blood and bones | Peanut butter | healthier cell membranes and blood vessels | Pumpkin seeds | fertility benefits |
Spinach | eyes and cells growth | Berries | higher rate of tissues repair process, healthier immune system | Chia seeds | healthier metabolism |
Avocado | it’s oil will keep you healthy, fit and young | Sweet potato | energy and tissue growth benefits | Bananas | faster muscle recovery |
Eggs | protein and cells metabolism | Garlic | keeps the immune system healthier | Natural cacao | cardiovascular effects |
All those and many more can be obtained through our dietary habits. when balanced correctly, there should be no shortage of any essential element for your body’s health. If you do find that some elements are missing from your diet try to add some basic vitamins and maybe natural herbs.
Now, let’s get into it and see what food would best keep us healthy, functioning and moreover assist us not only in gaining strength but with losing weight while doing so.
1. Oatmeal – Healthy for the stomach and digestive system
Oatmeal is usually used for breakfast, it can be cooked, boiled, or mixed with other ingredients to make pancakes or cookies. Any way you choose is good as your digestive system will thank you.
Oatmeal contains a large amount of dietary fibers, those expend inside the digestive system and clean from inside the walls of your intestine. In addition, 100 gr of oatmeal contains 29% of the recommended daily value (DA) of Manganese, and 11% of phosphorus and zinc each.
The best thing about it is that its flavor and texture works with basically everything. I personally eat it with honey, peanut butter, and banana. But you can find all over the internet wide variety of recipes containing oatmeal, just try some until you’ll find your match. It’s all about the right taste for you.

2. Kale – good for blood and bones
Kale is a green leaf cabbage which considered by many to be “the super green leaf”. It can be eaten fresh, boiled, cooked or fried, and will be different in taste and texture for each method.
Note to self – eating raw kale will benefit us most as cooking kale will diminish most of its nutrients, but be that as it may we have to also comprehend that the raw version of kale contains oxalic acid which plays role in making absorption of Iron more challenging.
What do I do then? I give it the tiniest cook on my teflon pan – 5 minutes with mushrooms and bits of butter and vuala: heavenly friend super duper healthy veggies as a side dish for almost every type of meal. Superb! Or shall I say “Superb Food”Here’s why:
Raw kale contains a large number of nutrients among them are the followings,
- Vitamin K – more than 3 times the daily recommended value
- Vitamin A, C, and B6 – 20% of DV
- Folate and Manganese – 20% of DV
- 10-19 DV of thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin E
- Minerals – iron, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus
WOW!!! All that inside a green leaf?
NOTE: Boiling kale will leave you only with vitamins A, C and K without significant change to their values.
Worth adding it twice a week for your salad, or some other times as a hot side dish. This will boost your systems with all those goodies.
3. Spinach – keeps the eyes healthy and helps with growth
Spinach leaves are the eatable part of this crazy tasty green plant. It is, in fact, a flowering plant, that mainly grows in China (92% of the world spinach). Those leaves can be eaten fresh and are rich with many vitamins. In addition, consuming spinach after being frozen, steamed or quickly boiled still holds the most of its original nutritional values.
Those are some of the vitamins and minerals spinach leaves has:
- Iron 22% DV, magnesium 21% and manganese 43% DV!!!
- Vitamins A, C, and K
- 10-19% DV of vitamins B, and E
Other then the direct benefits spinach eating holds it is just great addition for salad, or as a warm side dish for a meal.
Try and eat spinach at least once a week cooked or fresh, just enjoy.
4. Avocado – it’s oil will keep you healthy, fit and young!
Adding avocado to your diet will benefit the body’s health in almost every aspect. From eye health to liver functions, and even oral health, avocado can lower blood pressure and LDL levels.
Additionally, avocado is a great source for vitamins C, E, and K with a high amount of potassium that benefits kidneys functions. From every angle you look at it, avocado is one heck of a fruit, and yes, it’s a fruit. Some say that Avocado even aid them with skin improvement texture and regrowth of healthy young head hair.
Those are just a few of its ingredients, here is a summary of them:
- 75% fat, only, health for you and the kind you find in french fries
- B vitamins (like 7 of them) with 6-28% of DV
- Vitamins C 12%, E 16%, K 20% of DV
- Potassium, magnesium, zinc and some more minerals with around 10% of DV each
Well with all that just do yourself a favor and eat one avocado every few days. It can help you prevent many ills in the future, and it’s damn yummy.
5. Eggs – free protein and cells metabolism
Eggs, or in particular chicken eggs have been eaten by humans for thousands of years and still, today is one of humanity’s main food. Eggs contain a large amount of protein stored in small space, with one medium to large egg will have 6-7 gr of protein. That’s a lot when considering it only weighs 50 grams.
So what will we find in eggs other than protein:
- 5 gr of fat (good healthy fat)
- Vitamins A, B (1-12), D, and E
- calcium, Iron, zinc, and even phosphorus
Eggs can do wonders to general health, fertility, proper muscle growth and well-being, don’t be shy and grab some eggs next time you shop. Also keep in mind that preparation of omelette is approximately 1 min. So with 1-3 minutes (assuming you add avocado and veggies you have a whole meal. Ain’t that swale?

6. Fish – healthy proteins with omega 3 and 6 for a slower aging process
The sea, where all life has begun and where we humans have found our salvation throughout history numerous times. We have consumed almost any kind of resource we could have found at the sea, however, fish is probably the main thing that brings us back for more every time.
So the main benefits of fish is a high amount of Protein, high energetic value (in some species more than others) and healthy Omega-3. These alone should do the trick and fill your fridge with deep water fish.
Fish is divided into 3 food categorize – delicate, medium, firm textures with each of those having a distinction of flavor levels.
For nutritional differences there are 2 kinds of fish one should know about, first, oily fish (rich with fat=energy), and the other is whitefish (less energy and less omega-3).
In general eating more fish means more of the following healthy nutrients:
- Fat – only here it is energy as our body makes use of it
- Lots of protein – ~25 gr per 100 gr of fise (wow)
- B12 vitamin
- Phosphorus, selenium
- Omega-3 – so important for our body and so hard to get!
Eat fish, I would say no more!
7. Peanut butter – healthier cell membranes and blood vessels
The best paste you could add to your daily menu, assuming you are not allergic to it. This paste was first produced at the late 1800s from roasted peanuts and haven’t really changed to our modern time.
There are many types of peanut butter, however, the one we recommend is the natural peanut butter. As the others are filled with additives such as – industrial sugar, salt, and emulsifiers, which isn’t really healthy.
So what health benefits do natural peanut butter consumption holds for our bodies?
First, lots of fat (the healthy type) – 50% of peanut butter is fat, this is pure energy for the body.
Second, 25% protein – this will help build stronger muscles.
Third, 20% carbohydrates – this will jump-start your body, this is good energy for the immediate usage.
Lastly, peanut butter holds many nutrients:
- Dietary fibers
- Vitamin E – 39% DV (that’s high!!!!)
- Vitamin B6 – 42% DV
- More than 40% DV each – magnesium, manganese, phosphors
- Iron, thiamin, potassium around 20% DV
Peanut butter holds many more nutrients and can be added for many foods. It can be found in breakfast dishes, desserts, and in some cases even inside main courses.
Try it out, it is just too good for you to missout on. And soooo yummmy.

8. Berries – higher rate of tissues repair process, healthier immune system
Small but great, berries are one of nature’s greatest gifts to us humans. With sweet and sour tastes, appealing colors and huge verity, these healthy little fruits are just fun to eat.
Common examples are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, red currants, white currants, and blackcurrants.
Usually, berries grant the following nutrients:
- Energy in the form of natural sugar (carbohydrates)
- Vitamin C from 10% to 70% DV (depends on the berry)
- Vitamin K – High levels can be found in Blueberries and blackberries
- 20%-30% manganese – important for many processes
Other than the benefits mentioned above, there are more effects on the body such as blood system and fertility booster and yes – they seem sometimes too good to be true.
9. Sweet potato – healthier energy with tissue growth benefits
Sweet potato, yams, batatas, etc. all of those are common names for the same incredible root. It goes inside soups, it is served as a hot side dish puree, fries, or oven style cut into half. Some cultures even eat them raw Any way will work with this great and healthy carbohydrate.
Sweet potato has lovely flowers, however, what we essentially eat is the root.
Consuming it adds to our body many nutrients, among them, dietary fibers, lots of vitamin A, C, and B, and manganese. All those without adding too many carbohydrates to your diet.
- Vitamin A 120% DV
- Vitamin C 24% DV
- Carbohydrates – 24g out of 100g (white rice 80g out of 100g)
Form my point of view it is the perfect side dish. Great for all of the above. In specific weak stomach probs sweet potato is usually recommended too.
10. Garlic – keeps the immune system healthier
For starters, garlic is a kind of onion but, a bit different. It is used all around the world for the past 5000 years or so and has been originated to Siberia. Garlic is used to spice up many kinds of dishes with its unique flavor and the variety of serving possibilities. Also considered as the ultimate natural antibiotics.
The best way to eat garlic is raw, as in this manner most of its nutrients are passed to the eater. Just give it a tiny squash to activate its magnificent chemistry. It has known benefits for heart and blood health problems and prevention of related situations.
Top nutrients in garlic are as followed:
- Vitamin B6 95% DV, and C 38% DV (per 100gr)
- Calcium 18%, manganese 80%, and phosphorus 22% DV
In many cultures garlic considered to help many health problems, from tooth pain to muscles pain. Garlic is worth your consumption, so add it to salads, soups and any other dish you like. Plus it will keep the vampires away 🙂
11. Flax seeds – healthy digestion system
Flax in a cultivated plant with a wide variety of uses, it is used to make linen fabric, flax oil, and its seeds can be eaten. It is cultivated mainly in low-temperature areas and used all around the world for its benefits. Some health benefits of flax seeds are known to lower cholesterol levels and constipation prevention or release.
Nutrition wise, flax-seeds are rich with more than 19% DV of protein, dietary fibers, and several B vitamins. It also contains large quantities of thiamine, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus (DVs above 90%).
How to eat flax seeds?
Put the seeds in water for at least couple of hours until it gets a gel like texture, add some fruits and you’re done. Another way is to use it raw inside salad or any other dish you like.

12. Pumpkin seeds – fertility benefits
Pumpkin seeds come from… well, you probably know, but I’m still gonna let you know – pumpkins. In many farms, pumpkins are grown only for their seeds.
They are nutrient-rich, high levels of protein, dietary fibers, and many micronutrients:
- B vitamins at to 30% DV
- 30% of proteins
- Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, and Zinc from 80% to 214% DV
- A good source (10–19% DV) of riboflavin, folate, pantothenic acid, sodium, and potassium
Pumpkin seeds are wonderful for fertility in general and for male sperm. It is always recommended to add them in your salad as contains so many great stuff but even more when trying to conceive. Good luck with that.
13. Chia Seeds – healthier metabolism
Mainly eaten for their dietary fibers chia seeds contains many more nutrients. Fun fact regarding chia seeds – they are only 1mm in size but can hold water when soaked in them more than 12 times their own weight. This makes them a good solution for the stomach and lower digestive system health, by keeping them clean and residue free.
Chia seeds are rich with:
- 16% protein
- B vitamins up to 59% DV
- calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and zinc all more than 20% DV
In conclusion, chia seeds are small however contain many big benefits.
14. Bananas – faster muscle recovery
Bananas are a global marvel and considered by many the greatest fruit, but, the food side isn’t its marvel – it is in the way bananas changed global shipping. Bananas are grown in hot climate countries and being shipped at the right time all over the world. If missed by a day or two no one will buy them and the farmers will lose, it made our shipping system more accurate and reliable.
However we are here to understand its health benefits, so bananas are first of all a huge source for energy. In addition bananas contain:
- B vitamins B6 30% DV
- Vitamin C 10% DV
- Potassium 8% DV
Bananas are just fun to eat with a lot of energy and good DV for many nutrients. It is also easy to carry in your bag and wrapped in a nice protective wrap – that makes it a favorite choice by many. Happiness do come with comfort.
15. Natural cacao with cacao butter – best chocolate ever!
Well, who doesn’t love that tasty dark sweet flavor? Chocolate is known for its high sugar levels, however, there is an alternative – natural cacao mixed with cacao butter and natural sweetener.
Let’s explore the health benefits of cacao. They are vast and wide with surprisingly many nutrients:
- Dietary fibers 133% DV
- Protein 40% out 100 gr
- Iron 77% DV
- Magnesium 124% DV
- Potassium 43%
It is a marvel that such a small bean can have such good taste and so many good nutrients. Cacao also has good cardiovascular effects which argued to be beneficial for general health.
It is also good to know that cacao has some amount of caffeine (around 0.7%), but still lower than coffee beans.
For all of you Chocolate lovers out there, I promise you won’t be disappointed with the homemade version. It will be tasty and healthy, enjoy!
In conclusion, there are countless foods out and about, we hope that this article opened your mind with new ideas.
If you keep eating clean and healthy food your wellbeing will improve alongside your happiness. Keep trying new foods and recipes with nutritious ingredients and have fun while at it as we do only live once, but if we live it well, once is enough!
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