Is Crossfit good for beginners

Many people look for the right training method to start training. However, beginners in the fitness industry tend to overlook Crossfit as it seems too frightening for rookies. Crossfit is a fitness program focusing on functional movements, increasing the range of motion, and achieving a generally high fitness level. So how can beginners know if Crossfit is good for them if all they see is the super-sport-monsters on Instagram? in this article I’ll try to answer this question.
What should you expect when you start Crossfit
First of all, what one might encounter when applying for a Crossfit lesson is usually a combination of three parts: First, is the warm-up where the group will work together to warm the relevant muscles for the “workout of the day” aka the WOD.
Second is, as mentioned, the WOD itself. This part will change daily and will be the main sweater. The workout may include body weight movements, kettlebells, dumbbells, Olympic weightlifting, running, rowing etc. You will find it challenging at first, but trust me the feeling of succeeding a new movement or exercise is like rebirth in a unspeakable satisfactory shape of yourself.
Third and final part is the stretching. This part is the fun part ☺, as you’ve just finished conquering the daily WOD and now make sure that you release some amount of lactic acid from the muscles, stretching your body releases ease and positive chemicals from your brain. The feeling is wonderful.
One more thing to remember is that Crossfit is a group thing what makes the lessons a bit more interesting solely due to meeting great people that share the same interest in fitness as you do. Over time you will make many friends and share great moments together. In addition, the community helps you get motivated and attend more lessons as a result – great achievement on its own, and last but not least, eventually you will find out that you helped others simply by being present by their side during training.
Oh and your body will hurt, at least in the very beginning. Think about it, those muscles haven’t been used for some time now, not in the CrossFit way anyway, right?
Even if you’ve been doing other kind of fitness programs, Crossfit uses almost all of the body muscles so you will probably feel it, a feeling that will get better in good time and experience as the body learns and develops with you if you let it.
Just make sure not to overtrain on your first month and take it easy as you learn the new movement patterns.
How many Crossfit lessons should you attend as a beginner
This is really up to you, but I would say that three lessons a week is a good place to start with. One thing to remember is that you should always listen to your body. If you feel very tensed and moving hurts more than usual take a break, this should be natural. On the other hand, if you feel great with your body don’t rush for five lessons a week, give it some time to grow on you.
Your body needs those rest days, good night sleep and in addition, good nutritious food to supply the growing demand for your body building blocks.
What about all those crazy movements, I don’t know them
In the beginning, the Crossfit box must ask you to attend basics lessons. Basics lesson is as it sounds, teaches you the basic movements that are used in Crossfit such as: Olympic weightlifting, kettlebell movements, kipping pull-ups, and some more.
Don’t miss those as they are the foundation of Crossfit whereas you mustn’t feel bad if having trouble when on your first encounter. continue practicing and you will see the massive improvement over time.
Keep in mind that when taking the lessons you should always know your limitations, remember that you are new to Crossfit and your body is still learning all the movements.
Moreover, there is always the possibility of scaling the workout. Scaling means, that both you and a full-time competitive crossfitter can do the same workout, only with weight loads and the movements difference adjusted to each ability.
It is ok to ask for a scaled version of the workout if you feel that doing the RX (meaning: as prescribed) version won’t benefit you.
Most of the time, it is recommended to do the workout as it is, but if the WOD includes a movement which you find overwhelmingly challenged by, go for the scaled one and earn the rest of the workout.
So what’s RX and when should you go for it
Many people set themselves a goal, to perform a workout in the RX version. This could be a major milestone for many as it might take some time to get there.
In Crossfit, the RX version of a workout can be challenging and demanding, but getting there will show the athlete his or her improvement over time.
As a beginner, you must not jump head-on towards “RXing” a workout. First, try to control the majority of movements and widen your skill set while improving your fitness level.
Once you feel confident enough you can challenge yourself with the RX version. Go for it, try it out, but remember that your main and most important effort should be towards staying healthy and fit. The rest will follow.
As mentioned above, the Rx club should not be your concern for the first six months to a year. Try to stay focused on your primary goals – improving your fitness step by step and staying healthy. If you keep that in mind, I can promise you will get to the RX club.
Crossfit is good for beginners.
Don’t let the images and media intimidate you, all you gotta do is sign up for your first lesson.
Train consciously and mindfully , don’t push yourself harder than what you should as a begginer and make sure you get enough attention from the staff.
Meaning if you don’t know how a drill goes or you want someone to have a look at you while doing something new, please seek for trainer assistance, they are there for you in specific unlike in common gym environment.
Finally, and most important thing in my eyes is to let yourself fall in love with Crossfit, with what it does to your body, mind, and soul.
You won’t get this feeling in any other type of fitness program, trust me I’m hooked for as long as I can remember.
See you at the box
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