How to keep fit and healthy at home
The common fitness and health guidelines present us the equation “avoid harmful habits and train regularly equals a fit and healthy life. However, there is one factor missing to this equation and it’s time, or better said lack of it. So many of us just don’t have time in abundance but if anything on a constant chase in modern life to achieve bits and pieces of “free time” out of our exhausting routine. Time has become dearer than gold. For that reason, I have put up a list of small tips on how to keep fit and healthy at home, so that you can save precious time and be more proactive towards your health management at home.
This doesn’t mean that all other healthy activities recommended outside your premises aren’t blessed ! on the contrary, all health activities are good and recommended for us if done in a balanced way. However, a homey healthy environment on top or instead in case we “just can’t seem to make it to the gym lately” will do wonders to your personal wellbeing and might be an honorable substitute to other frameworks. Better doing some than doing non, right?
The goal of fitness and health may keep your focus on the finish line, but, bear in mind, the way in which you are going to achieve it is important nonetheless. Keeping fit and healthy can be simple if the correct tools are used. For this reason, you can perform some tasks at home to help you with preserving your fitness level and health. It starts with what,how and even WHEN you eat, your training schedule, where and whom with you have chosen to spend your free time with and, last but not least, your sleeping patterns, as in modern living one of our severe probs are lack of sleep, poor quality of sleep and sometimes even subconscious sleeping habits such as snoring, stress etc.
There are many other things one can do to help preserve health and fitness, however, the following tips will cost you nothing to achieve, whereas others might require some monetary investment. I strongly believe that those tips can improve the way you keep in shape and health without going on a shopping spree. Let alone your daily mood than can be wonderly improved.
Without further ado, let’s start exploring the top tips for how to keeps fit and healthy at home:
When, what and how you eat is what you become
Eating right is a task, I’ll give you that, but when understanding the effects food has over our bodies it’s impossible to ignore it. Bad eating habits are common these days, as our days are getting longer we tend to eat later during the day, which results in a system overload during night hours.
The proper way to avoid this situation is to eat lighter foods before bedtime. Keeping the digestive system light as possible for night time should be a top priority. Our body performs many restoration processes during the night, eating heavy dinner will divert a large amount of energy for the digestion process instead of healing and regenerating important parts of our body’s. So try to have light dinner and make sure you have it around 4 to 5 hours before bedtime.
In addition to our eating habits, food ingredients also impact our ability to keep fit and healthy. Eating healthy at home is a no brainer if you approach it right. all you have to do is get the right ingredients and mix them all together. However many of us tend to think that eating healthy is a lot of work when in fact it is the other way around, the idea is to keep it literally plain, and simple.
You don’t have to go for crazy recipes with tons of ingredients, go basic, buy fresh vegetables and meat (for the non vegans or vegetarians among us) whenever you can, try to include a fish dish at least once a week, and a warm meal once a day. And yes, please do lower your daily sugar and empty carbs consumption.
The main idea is to be more conscious of what you choose to put in your mouth especially at home, where you have full control over the ingredients. That way you will be able to “indulge” yourself (if you still feel like it) with “Junk food” when you go out with friends and not feeling conscious about it. It is perfectly normal to want this as well, we just need to learn to do the appropriate balance to be able to do so and not damage ourselves.
In case you’re wondering about costs of healthy food do not worry- in overall calculation the purchase of healthy food ingredients is cheaper than buying unhealthy food! However that will be elaborated in separate article.
Now let’s talk about routine. Your body loves routine, so try and keep regular eating hours alongside a fairly constant menu. Many people choose to get creative with what they eat when in reality our digestive system is working far better when receiving food it already knows. It doesn’t mean that you can’t diversify at all as you can and even should. But only, try to do it not so often and also perhaps try to make small changes to your menu so that your stomach get bored as it likes but your brain gets excited.
Keep what you love to eat and try new things alongside those regular ingredients, for example, main course with oven cooked vegetables could be changed to main course and sweet potato puree. Remember, the goal is to have a healthy routine, however, not at the expense of getting “food bored”. So get those healthy and good ingredients as often as possible and improve your ability to maintain fitness and health levels at home.
Train regularly, even if it means at home
In many cases, we tend to miss training sessions due to other daily obligations. As a result, many people think that missing their favorite Zumba or Crossfit class means that there is nothing else they can do that day when in fact they can still do a lot!
Training could be performed at home using very basic but effective methods. One of those methods is having a mini workout doing basic drills or even some yoga/pilates or any basic stretches.
Other option could be a physical hobby such as slacklining, evening run, or better yet – doing our laundry and cleaning the house can be benefited as one of the most effective trains of our week.
What’s important is to keep moving and staying fit and healthy especially at home. As long as you move and get your blood flow you generate more positive reactions in your brain that directly affects your body’s fitness and health levels. The idea is to set a regular training regime that keeps you active, happy and anticipating for each of those chosen healthy and fun activities.
The importance of maintaining a regular training schedule holds many benefits, which is why it’s recommended to stay active at home in addition to regular gym training. Staying active at home will help keep you fit and healthy longer, let alone be within your grasp to execute.
Avoid harmful environment
Free time is precious, and how we choose to spend it is essential to our wellbeing. Many effects we experience are environmental resulted, harmful or beneficial without doubt, a factor to be taken seriously.
Choosing the wrong environment could lead to a degradation in our fitness and health status, however, choosing correctly would positively benefit life and your wellness. But generally when it comes to a home environment there aren’t many downsides, home is our “fort” where we feel most comfortable in, or suppose to anyway.
It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t go out and interact-of course you do, but only be aware that you can have a positive reaction when feeling comfortable. This is why resting at home would give us better recovery results after training or after coming back from a long trip.
Avoiding harmful environments means also avoiding places with negative people, bear in mind that many of those people are negative for there own personal reasons. Therefore, you mustn’t let those people interfere with your routine, negative psychological effects can harm your progress.
This is why keeping fit and healthy at home is sometimes easier, as you can leave the world outside (or at work) and focus on what makes you happy. In addition, you choose who to share your home with, it makes your home a potentially positive environment where you can feel comfortable and yourself at.
Keep a healthy sleeping routine
Good night sleep is by far one of the top catalysts for healthy life,therefore in order to keep fit and healthy at home you should also sleep properly.
Setting a comfortable sleeping area at home is important. During night sleep many essential processes occur to improve and sustain proper health. Make sure to set your sleeping environment as comfortable as possible, taking into consideration noise, temperature, and light proof conditions. Those three make the difference between an effective or less effective night sleep, so always make sure your home, bedroom and mind are optimal for your sleeping needs.
Moreover, noise, light, and temperature can affect your body without you even noticing. They hold a great deal of impact on our health, especially during night time. Having said that taking the time to arrange a proper and noise free sleeping room will keep you fitter and healthier for longer.
It is known that internal organs clean up while we sleep. One example for those organs is the liver, which goes through 2 full hours of materials extraction and cleaning up while we sleep. Those processes must happen daily as upkeep of your body, however, in order for them to fully benefit our wellness, a calm body and available energy are required. Those can be found abundantly only by night time in terms of noise and darkness.
In addition, maintaining a regular sleeping schedule helps the body to direct certain recovery processes in a more precise manner on a daily basis. This adds up to the previous tips regarding food and training, making a regulated routine benefits fitness and health.
Our body has internal clock settings for many different activities each day. Keeping this in order especially at home will keep high levels of health and wellbeing. So try to get to bed around same time every day, make sure to sleep the amount of hours you need for proper recovery (preferably between 00:00 -06:00 included in it as muscles regenerate best in those 6 hours) and try to leave your worries on the sofa living room and not bring it with you to bed.
Editorial adding :keep it interesting and the rest will follow
Following these guidelines will help you shape your road for a better-fitted life for you and your loved ones. Keeping fit and healthy at home requires dedication and strong will power, however, if you got to this point and read my article, you are already halfway there.
Now all you have to do is get into creating your own personal fitted routine, which will help you preserve your wellbeing through fitness, health, and happiness.
Feel free to leave a comment and tell us how you keep fit and healthy at home.