Best Yoga Poses For Crossfitters
SImplicity is the name of the game … Once you can explain something in a simple way, you truly understand it and then translate it into movement.
Yoga and stretches, in general, are important for
As a Yoga teacher, regardless being biased 🙂 I never understood why there aren’t yoga training classes straight after crossfit practice or a 15 minutes Yoga as part of the train itself, let alone recommends to do yoga in between workouts throughout the week.
Some boxes (CrossFit gyms) do provide yoga practice classes for their subscribers but the majority don’t. Yet.
how does our body function as crossfitters
Our muscles work in 2 main statuses: Tension and length. If in CrossFit training you work on contracting your muscles and by that making them stronger, bigger and full of tension the stretching part should be mandatory as then you work on lengthening and flexing the muscles- allowing yourself to bring more oxygen and room for growth and development, in the muscles and in your perspective.
Yoga in a nutshell and how it benefits crossfitters
Yoga is the art of stretching and practicing stillness combined with mindful healthy breathing.
In each Asana (yoga pose) you allow yourself to inhale essential oxygen into your lungs whilst in exhalation you are able to stretch better and perhaps even let go of mental, emotional and physical level.
One nutritious the other – CrossFit-Yoga and Yoga-Crossfit into this magical positive circle of doing right with your body-mind and perhaps soul for those who believe.
Goes without saying I recommend and encourage Yoga class practice to its fullest but nevertheless brought you some 5 relevant basic Yoga asanas that will make wonders on your body post CrossFit workout and on rest days in between.
All you need is motivation, bits of patience and between 5 to 15 min.
Follow the following steps and remember to enjoy!
Here are 5 best yoga poses for crossfitters
1. Centering

- Sit on the edge of a cushion or fold a mattress into 3 in order to lift your pelvis forward and be able to sit more comfortably.
- Place one foot in front of the other, if this isn’t comfortable either sit on a higher cushion or straighten one/both legs in front of you.
- Straighten your spine whilst finding your physical center, once you feel you are sitting in the middle roll your shoulders up, back and down in a circle movement to open your chest for wide breathing, make sure your lower back is in straight position (you can check this by putting your palm on your lower back and straightening the arch if exists) to avoid pressure on your back, and then simply take a deep breath.
- Place your palms on your knees down facing or up facing, close your eyes and start concentration on your breathing, relax tension from your face, connect a momentary silence and stillness- the world outside can wait!
- Breath for 2 whole minutes in that pose. Start to let go. Be at ease
2. Head to Knees
- Lie on your back, contract your abdominal muscles and bring your knees into your chest, each palm on each knee.
- Once done that slowly raise your forehead towards your knees, tuck your chin in. relax your shoulders and breath. You are massaging your internal organs, strengthening your chest and abdominal muscles while flexing your hip joints gently.
- If this pose creates pressure on your neck or shoulders allow yourself to ease the pose by interlocking your fingers behind your head for support.
- While relaxed energy in pose Inhale, contract your abdominal muscles and on exhalation lower your head back to the mattress slowly vertebrae by vertebrae until your head reaches the mattress, hug your knees and breath.
3. One knee twist
- While still on your back and hugging your knees hold your right knee with both palms and straighten your left leg on the floor.
- Once you feel comfortable, hold your knee with only your left palm while straightening your right arm on the floor in shoulder line palm facing the floor for support of your body. Lift your right foot and create a 90 degrees angle.
- Through breathing, contract your abdominal muscle and in exhalation slowly lower your right knee to the left side towards the floor while shifting your behind side under your right side till you are parallel and twisting your right side of your body. Turn your head to the right, cheek towards the floor. Breath into the twist.
- Return your head to the center, contract your abdominal muscle and as you inhale bring your right knee slowly and carefully back to the center, hug it with both palms into your chest and feel the tension releases from your lower back.
- Relax any muscle tension and breath. Then bring your left knee too back to your chest, hug your knees and move from side to side.
- After a few good breathing, do the exact same twist to the right side using your left knee this time. Remember to contract abdominal muscle and breath through the process.
- This pose allows you to release tension from lower back, Stretch external hip rotator and gluteus maximus muscles, Massage intestine\colon in the lower abdomen, flex your hip joints and neck.
- Once done- hug your knees and move from side to side gently, then back to center-Knees to your chest.
4. Window pose
- Contract your abdominal muscles and upon exhalation lift your head, forehead towards your knees, relax any tension and breath into the pose. Once sorted and feel comfortable open your knees apart from each other while sending arms between them and grab the inside arc of every foot with the parallel palm.
- Lift your feet directly over your knees (while knees stay bent) and create (if possible) 90 degrees angle, the sole of every foot facing the sky and make sure your ankles are in one line with your knees.
- If you feel comfortable, upon next breath lower your head back to the floor (upon exhalation). If this stretch feels too much you can always place a small cushion under your head.
- Breath there while giving a good old stretch to your hamstring muscle alongside your upper arm muscles.
- Once you feel it’s enough, contract your abdominal muscles and slowly release your feet. Hug your knees and massage back by moving gently from side to side.
5. Sitting forward bend

- If you’re on your back from the previous pose, place your palms behind your knees, contract your abdominal muscle and push forward to sitting.
- Straighten your legs in front of you, pelvis facing front, toes pointing the sky. If you feel somewhat tension in your back leg you can replace a small cushion under your buttocks to ease the bent and prevent unnecessary tension on the lower back.
- Contract your abdominal muscles and upon inhalation bring your arms over your head, extend your spine and look up. As you exhale slowly bend forward from your hip joints with a straight spine and arms all the way down to your legs
- Release your head down, chin tucked in, arms released to the side of both legs and in equal distance from one another, elbows slightly bent and shoulders relaxed. In each exhalation try to bend furthermore. If it feels uncomfortable release tension by slightly bending your knees and avoid overstretch of the hamstrings muscle.
- Breath deeply into your lungs. Repeat those deep breaths 3 times. This calms your brain and helps release mental and physical stress, stimulates the liver, kidneys, ease headaches and anxiety and of course, stretches the back thigh muscles.
- Once you feel you’ve given your body enough stretch contract your abdominal muscles and while inhaling raise with a straight spine, arms, and head and stretch your upper body parts back up.
- Upon exhalation head comes back to the center by lowering your chin towards chest, arms going straight down to the side of your body and towards the floor back to sitting in centering pose.
- Breath for another few moments, allow yourself to be present in this peace of mind a tiny furthermore before going back to daily life and chores.
Once enter these 5 wonderful stretching poses into your daily workout routine and lifestyle this will allow you to excel in your crossfit workouts, feel even better about your body and return even stronger to your next challenge.
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