Best Wireless Headphones For Crossfit
Getting the best wireless headphones for Crossfit can make this hard training into fun training with the right rhythm, this is why getting the best out there is essential for Crossfit. There are many good brands offering training wireless headphones yet not all will suit Crossfit style training. In this article, I will explore what should be considered before purchasing a headphone for Crossfit and will put the best of them for you to choose from.
The best wireless headphones for Crossfit must be waterproof, durable, high sound quality, not disconnecting you, and finally fashionable. All these are the required attributes the best wireless headphones should have, however in life we need to compromise to decide which of these are a must a which are less important and judge the products accordingly.
Why waterproof wireless headphones for Crossfit?

Having waterproof wireless headphones for Crossfit training should be your number one priority, as the training gets really intense and sweat dripping everywhere. Imagine handstand push-ups, for instance, you are upside down and all your sweat comes down towards your ears – and headphones. In time headphones that are not waterproof or even water-resistant will break and will need to be replaced.
Now one other thing to keep in mind is that Crossfit can sometimes include swimming, and who wouldn’t want to swim with cool music. So this is yet another advantage waterproof headphones have.
But, to keep things in perspective, having a waterproof product just makes it more durable in life, throwing it in the bag without worrying about your water bottle spiling, sweaty cloth close by the headset, and much more life’s surprises.
In my eyes, it is worth having waterproof headphones than “saving” on one without it and paying for a new one later as you just wet it too much during workouts.
High Sound Quality In Wireless Headphones For Crossfit

Well, this is why we are here in the first place, looking for a high-quality sound for our training sessions. However, in this category, you might find yourself making some sacrifices towards other attributes of the headphones, but know that all of the top-performing wireless headphones are fairly close in their sound quality.
With that said, it is still highly important for any crossfiter that wishes to get great sound while working out. This helps mute the outside world, get into the right rhythm, and kick that WOD’s ass.
Make sure to check that the headset sound quality is in the range that fits your needs, and your budget as well.
The Durability Of Wireless Headphones For Crossfit Training

Crossfit is about our fitness but also about making us humans more durable to the ever-changing world around us. The best wireless headphones for Crossfit must be durable as during training there are lots of jumping, groundwork, gymnastics, and much more highly intense movements which can through the headphones in the air and to the ground.
Because Crossfit has the potential to crash your headphones finding a durable pair of these is important. Thankfully most of the electronics these days are fairly durable yet, Crossfit does require a higher level of it and in my eyes, it is worth going the extra mile with the durability of the headphones.
For Crossfit, I would recommend picking wireless headphones that have a firm grip on your ears or head and that the materials are known to be strong and sturdy.
Personally, I think the design of the headphones that are raped around our heads will be more durable for Crossfit. This is due to the fact that there is not a lot of moving parts in it and helps keep the actual sound outlet inside our ears instead of flying all over.
Wireless Headphones For Crossfit Should Not Disconnect Us From The Environment

Today there are many bone-conducting wireless headphones on the market that helps you get the music you love while training and keep you alert to what’s going on around you.
For the most part, this type of headphones has been used by runners that looked for a device that will be safe for running on the road and will keep your auditory awareness to the surrounding environment.
Crossfit, being a high-intensity training method can be dangerous at times, with barbells moving all around, heavy dumbbells tossed into the ground, and people moving quickly between locations. Having a device that both gives you great sounds and keeps you safe is a win-win.
Of course, there are many other headphones in the market with great sound performance, I still would recommend them for those who train a lot and without many people around. In this case, the safety hazards are far less significant and one can consider other types of products.
Looking Good Is Part Of High Performance

We all have our reasons for training and working out hours when others choose to play video games or just hang. But, there is one common reason that we all share with our love for working out, and it is – looking good.
Apart from the fact the training makes you healthier it also makes you feel better about yourself, being, I look good – I feel good.
A good-looking pair of headphones is something we all think about, it may not be our first priority, but it’s there in the back of our minds.
Our final and least important (in our eyes) factor for a great pair of wireless headphones for Crossfit is how they look, and how we look wearing them.
Now let’s find out what are the best wireless headphones for Crossfit available for order online.
The first category that can be very effective, durable, and Crossfit worthy is the wireless bone-conducting headphones.
Using bone-conducting headphones for Crossfit is ensuring that you keep your auditory awareness high with your surroundings, which is highly important especially inside a Crossfit box.
Apart from this these products are aimed for sports lovers and usually will be waterproof and highly durable. Many endurance athletes use these products and have proved them to be of high quality and style.
AfterShokz Aeropex – Open-Ear Bluetooth Bone Conduction Sport Headphones
This open-ear, bone conducting earphones are awesome. They allow you to hear the music you love with greater safety, waterproof, light, and stylish design.
This product is great for any sports activity and Crossfit, which is fantastic as it is a multi-function product.
Additionally, this AfterShokz Aeropex has a high battery capability with 8 hours of available working time. This means that you won’t run out of battery each training session. This does make life more convenient and a device that is easy and fun to use will be used more.
Overall, these could be the best wireless headphones for Crossfit as it ticks all the requirements – waterproof, quality sound, keep you alert to the environment, durable, and looks great.
With the AfterShokz, you will get high-performance bone-conducting wireless headphones that will make your Crossfit and other sports way more fun.
Otium Bluetooth Headphones
For those that are looking for lightweight highly durable wireless headphones that are secured and sit inside the ear the Otium Bluetooth headphones are a great option. The only drawback with this product is that it disconnects the user from the surroundings.
This should not intimidate if you are not really concerned about your surroundings during training, as this product is very good and does provide with all the other factors.
It is waterproof, has a long battery life of about 8 hours, is secured inside your ears and with a silicone band that can be altered to help secure the headphones, looks good, and even has a built-in microphone.
This product has proved itself as more than 15,000 buyers loved it and have left a very positive review. In my eyes, if a lot of people are willing to write a review it means the product is worth it.
TOZO T10 Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Earbuds
Into the realm of the wireless earbuds we go. The TOZO T10 earbuds are one of the most liked wireless headphones on amazon. This product is a good choice for those that look for the most stylish wireless headphones for Crossfit training.
This product is waterproof which protects it from the falls of sweat (and tears) that are expected during a Crossfit workout. Additionally, they fit into the ear and do not move which can prove to be highly beneficial while jumping, pulling, running, and many more explosive movements.
Moreover, it has a touch mechanism for controlling your phone while wearing it, this is a great convenience as the phone can be placed in a safe location while we listen to our music and train.
Now, for the durability part of the TOZO T10, for normal and moderate use they are fairly durable, the thing is if they do pop out of the ear and wander off the floor during a WOD, a situation such as this could become fatal for the earbuds.
Lastly, this product does prove to have high sound quality, yet disconnects the user from the surroundings.
Important to know that the battery life is a bit worst than the other alternatives, but it does come with a charging case that improves the battery life 5 times (30 hours total).
So overall a good choice for classic earbuds that supply great sound, durability, battery life, and style.
The best wireless headphones for Crossfit are a combination of the five factors shown above, but personal taste and other factors each of us has can sway the “math” to either product. It is important to understand each type’s benefits and drawbacks and conclude from there personally.
Overall the best headphones for Crossfit are the AfterShokz Aeropex which gives the best performance and safety out of all the other products. Having an open ear during workouts can help with safety but also keep your rhythm while jumping double unders, hearing your breathing, and much more.
The thing about music when training is it needs to inspire and boost our soul to perform at our best. However, this is only second to the workout itself and the gain we wish to achieve from it. Make sure you choose the best wireless headphones for yourself, think of all the factors we talked about, and see if there are any that are personal to you and your needs.
And again remember that we are here to train and hear some music along the way.
Best of luck with your training and see you at our next post.
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