6 Signs You Should Stop Eating Dairy
Dairy products are not good for your body and there are at least 6 signs that one should stop eating dairy pretty much today. These signs are our body’s way of signaling that something is not right with what we eat and should be taken care of seriously.
The signs are related to all our body systems and while many opinion leaders will represent dairy as a great source of calcium and protein you should know best and listen to what your body tells you.
As we humans have evolved for most of our time on this plant we hunted and gathered food. From the easiest gathering like seeds, nuts, roots, and leafy plants to more advanced methods like hunting animals and fishing for their meat (not their milk). Only in the past 10,000 years or so, we have learned how to capture and domesticate animals for our use, such as cows for their milk.
Therefore, we have evolved without the need for dairy and should not be consuming it as often as we do nowadays.
On that note, recent research shows that consuming dairy is unnecessary as getting the daily dose of calcium from fruits and vegetables is far superior and nutritious, as milk and other dairy products are linked to higher inflammation levels, bad digestive processes, and inducing allergic reaction that results in higher fatigue levels.
With that said a mindful living can result in healthier and happier persona, as long as one keeps true to the signals of the body. Dairy products and in particular cow-milk products can produce internal and external signs, thus, I have gathered these 6 most common signs that might indicate you should avoid dairy products in your diet.
Constipation that starts after consuming dairy products

You can call this one “gut feeling”, however, many people tend to suffer from constipation after eating dairy. As for many people cheese, milk, cream, and other products are part of the daily diet they can’t really seem to connect the dots and realize that the dairy potentially causes this constipation in the first place.
These poor souls suffer but because this is part of their diet it is hard to detect that the milk in their morning serials is what’s probably preventing them from good healthy emptying out later on the day as a healthy digestive process.
In addition, most of the processed food we get is full of different ingredients and sometimes even milk or its protein – casein. If you are not one of those who read the ingredients at the back of what you buy then you probably consume more dairy products than you might think.
What causes this constipation is the milk’s protein, the casein. As many people are afraid of the fat and sugar the protein is being misunderstood. It is the number one reason for constipation for so many people.
So if you suffer from constipation try to think whether cheese, milk or any dairy product for that matter is involved and try to cut back to see if improving your digestive activity the following days.
A painful, noisy, restless digestive process due to Dairy

Oh, that feeling you are about to burst in the middle of a movie with your loved one, how embarrassing it can be. We all probably felt and experienced it. Many of us even compiled some slick moves to avoid embarrassment.
That noisy stomach is solely the result of what we eat, and unfortunately dairy can make our guts as loud as a machinery gun if not cared properly. Digestive activity and gas occasionally can be a natural reaction. However, once it occurs throughout the day every day can be an unhealthy annoyance.
Just like before either we choose to eat dairy and really can’t put our finger on it as we tend to blame the beans, lentils, some veggies, etc. instead of being aware of dairy consumption consequences or dairy ingredients added to our processed food and give their tone (literally) in our digestive pain and noises at times.
Either way for many people milk and its “relatives” will make the digestion system feel like the Oompa Loompa are having a party.
If this is the case for you, by all means, monitor your dairy consumption for the very least. Whereas in some cases it might be recommended to avoid dairy completely, especially if one finds it to cause significant unease and overactive digestive gas reproduction. The pain and uncomfortable feeling just isn’t worth it.
Acne and other allergy symptoms – not conclusive but do have certain changing influences over some of us
This might come as a surprise to many of you but milk products induce many allergy symptoms, as these products show a clear connection to higher levels of inflammation. Some will claim that cheese and yogurt may induce acne and skin problems but this hasn’t been proven yet.
With that said, Acne is somewhat involved with a bacteria inside the skin that milk supplies induce its creation and therefore results with more acne after consumption of dairy products.
Other allergy symptoms can appear as well like sensitive and red skin, temporary rash cough, and itching in various parts of the body.
This is really easy to spot, as those are external symptoms. All you have to do is pay attention to certain body reactions. If you find yourself wondering about the appearance of acne or red skin, cease eating dairy and pay attention to the reaction of your body. If the rash or itch improves dairy might be the cause.
A constant state of fatigue – due to an allergic reaction to casein protein in Dairy

Many people that eat dairy regularly suffer from higher fatigue levels and a lower ability to be active members of life.
As mentioned above, the protein casein which is originated from dairy products induces inflammation that causes an allergic reaction in the body.
An allergic reaction is actually a defense mechanism of our body, it is the activation of the immune system against an unwanted organism or harmful material.
Therefore, the constant consumption of dairy products keeps the body’s immune system activated, which consumes large amounts of energy that leaves us tired all the time. The body keeps being in an offense-defense status and as such exhaust itself with the constant battle of this fake intruder, hence the allegedly unexplained fatigue.
Stopping this process can only be achieved by avoiding dairy products.
Dairy can make you feel Congested all the time and even to snore

Another way dairy induced inflammation hurts us is by higher production of moisture in the body. A sign for this can be seen in the respiratory system with higher levels of phlegm and congestion in the nose.
Those two are associated with snoring and can lead to lower sleep quality and quantity at times which in turn leads to other health problems and inability to work, train, and develop in life and in some cases even damage one’s love life.
In addition, this makes the body more vulnerable to outside influences such as air pollution, viruses, and microbes as sticks to it. This can happen if the respiratory system is full of inflammation which serves as a great growing material for all those external influences.
All this can be stopped if you choose to stop or reduce eating dairy products.
Dairy products make recovery after workouts longer

Last sign that hints you might wanna get off the milk and other dairy products is longer recovery time from training.
If you are exercising regularly and consuming dairy products you might find that your recovery period between training sessions is not enough and your body isn’t ready for the next training session, while others around you recover much faster.
Those people who do manage to recover need only to take care of the lactic acid generated from exercising and need not worry from other sources of inflammation whereas dairy products might provide more work on top of what’s already needed to be done.
This is the direct result of milk products, as they increase inflammation levels in the body, and clearing it all gets much harder and almost impossible between training sessions.
Training without ever recovering can be dangerous as it can lead to injuries such as torn muscles, sprained muscles, and even damage ligaments in the process.
All in all, eating dairy is not the best thing for our body especially if we wish to live an active and happy life and are not children as one might find the logic in drinking milk in bone growth stages in life.
Avoiding milk products in adulthood can help you become better at sports activities and live with less muscle pain and injuries.
In addition, healthy eating will benefit recovery time and general quilty of life. If you wish to read more about healthy food we have a great post on the matter – Food that keeps us healthy – best 15 foods you can start eating today.
In conclusion, paying greater attention to the signs our body produces will lead to a healthier lifestyle. Those signs are for you to understand if you should stop eating dairy or cut back, so if you do feel one or more signs apply to your state try to stop eating dairy for a while and see what comes out of it.
You are the best teacher of yourself so see what works for you best and follow it to better living.
Until next time
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