10 healthy lifestyle practices
In modern times,
The healthy lifestyle practices have become almost insanely chased and the web is filled with “how to…” articles. The desirable betterness can quickly turn into bitterness by daily race and overload frustration.
We are living in the most challenging time of all times to maintain this healthy lifestyle as basic things for our wellbeing has become so difficult to achieve. Air and noise pollution, industrialized food, endless stress in simple daily chores, self and drug abuse, Telling ourselves that we have to achieve more of something in less time as possible, and time…don’t even get me started.
Time had become a rare concept these days -sitting alone on a highchair up there on Olympus mountain – resulting in an almost impossible condition for a healthy lifestyle. Time let alone free time it seems, is beyond our grasp.
But things aren’t always as they seem. Yes, the world today is far from giving us a firm foundation to a balanced, strong and healthy life. But nevertheless, still full of wonders and offer us all the good in it, and with the right guidance, each one of us can start witnessing its omens and signs to a better understanding of our own personal path.
So what do we actually do in this chaotic intro? No need to stress out. Wherever there’s a problem, a solution lies upon. Despite the problems industrial and modern living brought upon us, these times also bare advantages.
This article, for example, is being read through high technology means that allow us to have the freedom of thought, discussion, knowledge, and solution to… yes, even this. So basically what has created the problem also provides the tools to the solution. Pretty wonderful right?
Let’s start by understanding the infrastructure of basic healthy lifestyle. Some are pretty obvious and some less – but all very understandable and achievable within one’s true will for change.
10 ways to have a healthy lifestyle are:
1. Stress it out – breath right and stretch while you’re at it

Or shall I just say it out loud? YOGA. Yoga is definitely the perfect thing for that matter as Yoga is the ultimate stress reliever. Both mental and physical practice allows us to release tension from our muscles, enter oxygen into our body cells brain included and by that create a general and specific sense of nerval and physical relief … wow.
If you less connect to the name yoga you can just call it stretching and breathing a classy “
In a nutshell: breath into the stretch, do not hold your breath and at least 3 times a day try to remember to take a deep breath, inhale deeply and even sigh loudly upon exhalation. That was proven to be effective as stress reliever.
2. Self love practice – make it work Smile more – even fake it till you make it
As much as it may sound as cliche and spread all over the web in slogans “love yourself” the right balanced amount of self-appreciation can surely contribute to our healthy lifestyle.
The ability to look in the mirror once a day and liking what we see as someone who has been through so much but is still standing. Writing ourselves small notes saying “ you are worthy”, “you are good enough” “you are fertile” etc and hanging them around the house assist us to regain self believe in ourselves and connects to our brain neurons to a more firm built up of positive structure of self-appreciation thought.
In my article “the desire to complain” you’ll find a brief explanation on how our positive/ negative thoughts built our brain cells into stronger self-thought users and better self-living. Even the Dalai Lama said, “Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence so that’s very important for good health”.
So chill 🙂
3. Physical activity, Sex included, Love too

D-O S-O-M-E S-P-O-R-T-S. Any kind of sports, movements and physical activity as a part of your daily routine for best results of a healthy lifestyle. It can be aerobics, yoga, pilates, dancing class, walk along the beach, sightseeing, Intervals, home push-ups or even home cleaning. As long as you are stimulating your blood flow and body systems you are enabling good metabolism (“the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life”), Anabolism and catabolism.
Ok, what did I just say? A momentary pause for clarification for us to understand :
“Catabolism is all of the chemical reactions that break down molecules, either to extract energy or to produce simple molecules for constructing others.
Anabolism refers to all of the metabolic reactions that build or assemble more complex molecules from simpler ones”.
So all of the above is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Sports definitely goes under the healthy lifestyle practices definition. And yes Sex counts as being physically active so also recommended for as at the right capacity preferably involve love and then we hit the jackpot and cover healthy lifestyle practices 2 and 3 in this article altogether. Lovely. And Lively
4. Let go of unnecessary stuff… and people

People people people. Some are good, some are less and most of them are simply afraid and act through their frightened perspective of life -Overreact, overprotective and can be sometimes even aggressive, dependant, annoying and every erupting behavior you can think of. People are people.
The common ground for all of us human is that we all have issues, and usually we seek for aid, support, advice or any good word just to feel good or get onto the right perspective. So we call, and ask, and advise each other. All fair and square and very much natural and needed for evolution.
However, the problem begins when the clinging is getting out of balance and/or when we surround ourselves by the wrong people for us. In my well-experienced life, there aren’t that many bad people if any… there are however very bad people for US as life should always be observed in the relative lenses.
A lot of life solutions lies in the understanding that there isn’t one truth but endless subjective truths. Someone who will make a good friend to me might not be a good friend to you. One’s capacity for person’s problems can be very different than for others. It depends on the type of person, phase in life and even sometimes a person’s sensitivity structure.
All “legal” in us humans courtyard but nevertheless we all must understand one thing: What is good for you might not be good for me and if someone makes you feel unwell on a regular basis you should consider letting this one go.
“If you want to fly, you must give up what weighs you down”. So yes, clearing your wardrobe, tossing away some old cracked mugs, donate toys, books and clear some busy shelves is always good for your external and inner space. And while you’re at it – letting go of people that constantly makes you feel sad or not good enough of a friend, or conscious for any reason can contribute to your healthier happier wanted lifestyle.
5. You are what you eat -Food awareness
Yes… another cliche one may say but if we get to think about it for a momento there – it only makes sense that what you put in your mouth eventually turn into your body bricks and who you become.
“Sinning” here and there is not included as I do support the indulgent of the soul when involves something you crave eating, even if less ideal for your body. “Food for soul” is no less important than classy nurturing food as we are highly motivated in our good lifestyle through how we feel and not solely by what we eat.
Be that as it may, the magic word here is… balance. Shocking right? Once we balance our culinary choices we enable proper bodily maintenance and enjoyment at once. It is more important to allow ourselves rather than live in a preventative state of mind in order to achieve a healthy being.
How to consider this integrative lifestyle may be indicated in this article of mine.
6. Get more me time, read books, imagine, day dream
Mother Teresa used to say:
“People are unrealistic, illogical and self-centered. Love them anyway”. I say perhaps we shall love them more?

Yes, we do understand where she came from and goes without saying realize that some of the worst crimes against humanity correlated with self-centered behavior of many history leaders.
However, I do feel that somewhere along the way in between our politically correct impeachments and post-trauma resulted from unbalanced human centralism. We might have been instructed ourselves and others to believe that concentrating on yourself is just wrong and somewhat immoral.
Forgive me French but… What a bunch of baloney!!! Yes, thinking of nothing but yourself is no good, hurting others due doing so is even worse, but taking the time to self observe, rethink, process and let ourselves be in a “me time” is a good, healthy, useful thing that contribute not just to thyself but to our surroundings simultaneously.
So take your time when needed and no less than once a week, in my opinion, be with yourself and your desires, dreams, goals, and fantasies, imagine yourself getting to wherever you dream of getting. Read books about it and about whatever your heart desires, get lost in unrealistic parallel worlds (as if this world of realism is so amazing ha?) and just allow yourself to enjoy your own “human being and not a human doing”.
And as for Mama Teresa, with all our special love to this unique persona, if being illogical, unrealistic and self-centered is a crime – then we are gladly guilty as charged, for being a tiny bit of this and that ;-).
7. Travel – even if its to the neighbour next door
Our beloved Wikipedia defines travel as:
“… the movement of people between distant geographical locations. Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip…”

What a wonderful concept with multiple advantages travelling is… you get to be on movement therefore physically active of some sort, you get to see new places and meet new people which is always blessed for our cognitive development. And last but not least, we get to “take a break” from our daily intense, repetitive routine which is good in general but can get very exhausting when are not properly managed nor balanced.
Getting away from routine is mucho importante’ to our mental state of mind. How many times have you felt that life is just too bloody much to handle and solved it with a small weekend away, stroll, day off etc.? surely you have returned with gained powers to get going and deal with life and what it brings through its routine.
So yes – travel is bliss and moreover travel does not necessarily has to be a month in India or a prestige Club Med ski vacay. Travel can be taking the day off work and getting on the train for few hours of countryside indulgent, or for that matter travel can be picking yourself up from dinner preparation or laundry day and go to your next door neighbor for a cup of tea. That simple!
Therefore if I was requested to define travel in my own personal Wikipedia I would say that:
travel is the ability to get out of your own boundaries in favor of doing, seeing and experiencing something subjectively new and different from your daily life habits and obligations. How lovely… can’t wait for my next travel.
8. Dare – to say no, to say yes
You don’t want to do it? so no. You do want to? Say yes. Simple as that.
The complicated part is understanding what you want and daring to say it out loud. So I propose to start by allowing yourself to think of what you really don’t want or want and practicing saying it in front of the mirror. Yup… “I don’t want you to shout at me…” I don’t want to go to this restaurant, I don’t want to see this movie, I don’t want to pay 50$ for a collective present” etc.
Once you have defined what you don’t want it will be easier to start practicing out loud on what you do want. “ I want to ask you out, I want to order the salad, I want to be left alone” ok you got the point. Practice makes perfect so start small, talk to that mirror she will get it.
Bottom line…dare to express your needs and dislikes in order to live your life the way you want and please, by all means, don’t forget to dare to also say yes – cause taking the chance, seize the opportunity and the moment is no less important than avoiding things you don’t want to do.
Once you dare to try what your heart desires you make room for positive hard work, accomplishing goals, satisfaction and healthy lifestyle enter your universe.
Just say yes.
9. Tell the truth. Always
TellthetruthTellthetruthTellthetruth. Honestly, there’s nothing more liberating than telling the truth as you see it. It does not mean people outta like it as the truth is as many things very personal and subjective but you get to keep your own authentic self intact.
For example – if you’re invited to a wedding and personally you do not agree with having large wedding events why on earth should you go to something that is not your truth?
Yes, if your reason for going to that wedding is making someone you love happy and by that make yourself happy then it’s cool, it IS your truth… go! But if one suffers in order to make ones happy- that is in my eyes against your truth.
What is the point of doing something, not with a clean heart? What will you achieve by doing so? You’ll suffer and he or she will get the negative vibe that is created by doing something you dislike just because society is expecting you do so.
Not telling the truth creates only misunderstandings at the end of the day. Yes – learn HOW to tell the truth in an elegant considering way buy yet tell it simply, because it is what it is and any self-judgment is irrelevant.
If someone stops being your friend because your perspective is different than theirs then you shouldn’t be close anyhow. Our close environment is created out of people that share an approximately similar reflection over life – That’s evolutionary.
10. Sleep and minimize led screens – at least 3 hours before bedtime
Ahhhhh my favorite topic and most rare to achieve in modern life. Sleep. Is. Precious.

Got it? Did you know that “sleep prevention” is one of the most efficient torture technique exists? In order to get secretive info out of a spy one of the most powerful ways to get it is to prevent them a good few days sleep.
Sleep is good for almost anything you can think of. During night sleep many essential processes occur to improve and sustain proper health, starting from mental ease, internal organs clean up, helps to direct certain recovery processes in a more precise manner on a daily basis, muscles and bones regenerate and of course pure pleasure and regain of strength. I just love sleeping, don’t you?
So what is it in modern living That makes it so damn hard to get a proper good night sleep? A long line of reasons, take a number.
So generally wise it is a common knowledge that we simply do not sleep enough or sleep in poor quality. Stress, thoughts, debts, sociable loneliness, old buildings, cellular radiation, airplanes noise, neighbors noise, car noise, cat noise and in a nutshell noise noise noise.
Modern times have brought on us neverending noise as in old times without electricity when the sun went down people went to sleep whereas these days there always someone who’s up and doing something that bothers someone else’s sleep.
Hectic hectic! So what do we do to decrease at least the level of stimulation that awakes our brains and let this electrical activity lower down a bit so that we can actually … rest? Read more about it in my previous post.
For starters please avoid Led screens for the minimum 3 hours prior sleep. Your eyes are connected to your brains and send ultra-rapid nerval signals once looking at led screen especially filled with content.
Second, try to eat light dinner and finish eating about 4-5 hours before going to bed.
Third, try to organize your bedroom as intimate, quiet and dark as possible. Our brains manufacture Melatonin which is a sleeping hormone in its best when in complete darkness. So leave your mobiles outside your bedroom if possible. It will also prevent unwanted radiation through your only proper rest.
And last- try to prepare yourself to sleep. Clear your mind from your previous and next day plans, breath in, let go of worries for the time being and remember:
It all begins and ends with chill and relax. So chillax!